Linking Your Account: Email-based
Step-by-step Instructions
Please select which option best describes you below:
New Users
Open the tokenproof app and get started by choosing ‘Continue with email’. Once you’ve entered your email, you will receive a 6-digit verification code in your email inbox. Enter the code in the tokenproof app input field.
NOTE - If the email verification code is not received, please check your spam folder as some email clients will automatically flag .xyz email addresses as spam.
After tapping continue, your email credential should appear on the app homepage. You can tap the email account to view your dynamic QR code and tap on ‘View Details’ to customize the account name and more.
You have successfully linked your email credentials to the tokenproof app! 🎉
Existing Users
Tap on on the add account button in the upper right to add an email account or blockchain wallet.
Last updated