Create and edit ticket types

After entering your Basic Information, you'll be able to create tickets for your event. To create tickets for your event, click Tickets in the navigation menu of the editor, or scroll down to the Tickets section. Here, you'll be able to create free and paid ticket types.

Creating Tickets

1. Go to the event editor

If you haven't already, log in to your tokenproof Portal account. Once logged in, hover over the event you'd like to edit, then click the Edit button. This will take you to the event editor.

2. Go to "Tickets"

Once you're in the Ticket section, click New Ticket.

3. Enter ticket information

  • Ticket Name: Name of the ticket type (like "General Admission" or "NFT Holders").

  • Description (optional): Description of a specific ticket type (like "Gain access to the holders only VIP Lounge").

  • Ticket Price: The price of the ticket. You'll need to enable payments before creating your first paid ticket. NOTE: Paid tickets include a 4% fee charged to users.

  • Quantity: The total number of tickets available for this ticket type.

  • Request-to-Attend: Allows organizers to approve attendees after they request tickets. Once approved, tokenproof will send users a push notification and email letting them know they can attend the event. Attendees will find their tickets in the tokenproof App automatically or will receive an email with their ticket QR codes attached if Email Tickets are configured for your event.

4. Click "Save Ticket"

5. Optional: Add ticket restrictions and choose advanced settings

After saving your basic ticket info, you'll have options to configure advanced settings or add requirements for accessing your new ticket.

Advanced Settings

Below is a basic overview of the available Advanced Settings options. Click here to see a more detailed overview, including examples.

  • Visibility: Hide ticket types until a later time or ones made for private audiences such as VIPs.

  • Claim Limit: Limit the number of tickets a user can claim

  • One Ticket Per NFT: Let users purchase one ticket per NFT or token held. (Example: A user with 3 eligible NFTs can claim 3 tickets)

  • Limit Quantity by Device: Gives you the option to limit tickets by device instead of by account

Restricted Availability

Add additional requirements that users must meet in order to purchase a ticket, such as owning an NFT or being on an invite list. To learn more and see a detailed setup guide, click the links below:

Editing Tickets

To edit your tickets, go back to Tickets. Choose one of the following options:

  • Basic Ticket Information: Hover over the ticket type you'd like to update and click the Edit icon (pencil) that appears to the right. This will let you edit Ticket Name, Description, Price and Quantity.

  • Advanced Settings: Click Advanced in the top right of a ticket type.

  • Token Requirements and Invite List: Click a ticket type to expand Restricted Availability options.

Troubleshooting Ticket Issues

If a ticket isn't visible on your event page, but should be, check the following:

  • Check the Visibility of your ticket type in Advanced Settings and make sure it's set to Visible.

  • If your tickets are sold out, increase the Quantity by editing your ticket's basic information. See the above section for more details on editing a ticket's basic information.

  • If a ticket has Token Requirements:

    • Double check that the wallet you're connecting with holds the required token(s).

    • After confirming the wallet holds the proper token(s), go back to the ticket configuration and ensure you've configured the requirements correctly. Check that the minimum required of each token is correct, and make sure dropdown below the selected tokens list is set to ANY if you don't want to require users to hold ALL of your selected tokens.

Last updated